chocolate + paper + scissors


Whatever that you like

There's a great amount of peace and joy in knowing what you like. I love the constant clarity that my four year-old daughter has about many things these days.

Yesterday, as I was serving lunch on a cold, rainy January day, she cheerfully exclaimed:

"Mommy, you know what I like? I like summer, spring, Valentine's Day, going to parties, going the pool, sunny days, and going to the park."

What fun things to love, my sweet girl! You know what I like?
I like the way she thinks.

I also like...

Being silly as can be with my babies
Chunky baby feet and whispy baby hair
Cold, clear days with whispery white clouds
Gingerbread pancakes
Homemade hot chocolate
Tea with beautiful, wise friends
Baby showers
Getting great ideas and capturing them on paper
Music that moves my heart
Hugging my husband after a long day
Looking the squirrel outside my window square in the eye (as he then darts off)
...And, quiet time.
What things do you like?


  1. I like:
    Best friends, even across the miles
    Babies on the way
    Hot chocolate
    Austin, Texas
    Blogs that warm my heart
    Chocolate, paper, and scissors.

  2. Aww! I like amazing, beautiful friends who always comment on my posts!
