chocolate + paper + scissors


Creativity = new life.

"This, then, is the beginning:  to know that we have a right to the creative and to follow it where it leads.  Why should that be so difficult?   ~Deena Metzger

Creativity is one of my very favorite topics - yet a giant, broad topic.  There are endless sources on creativity online.  So where in the world should we begin?

With you.  Do you have a creative outlet?

If you have a creative outlet, do you take the time to exercise this gift?  When was the last time you felt like you were thinking of new ideas?  If you feel you don't have a creative outlet, let me remind you that creativity is everywhere.  You're probably being quite creative on a daily basis without even realizing it.   Yes, really.

The book Nurturing Creativity:  A Guide for Busy Moms by Renee Tougas is a wonderful, reassuring resource that reminds us that creativity can exist anywhere in our day.  As mothers, we don’t always have the luxury of large blocks of time to allow us to create.  Some days it’s a few minutes here, 15 minutes there (or as long as your child’s favorite television show!).  But Renee reminds us that creativity can live in our everyday tasks.  And, we can even plan creative works around household items and tasks.  This concise book is lovely, simple and insightful - I highly recommend taking some time to read it.

Creativity doesn’t have to be researching Pinterest for hours and then finding a perfect craft (although that would be okay - no judgement).  Creativity doesn’t have to be spending a small fortune on craft supplies (although that can happen sometimes).  Creativity can be as simple as looking around your home and asking yourself – how can I make things different here?  How can I change the way the kitchen looks?  Or, how can I rearrange items in our laundry room to make room for backpacks and shoes?   

Creativity can be how you think - how you look at things.  How you address challenges.  How you keep your desk organized.  What you cook for a meal or a snack.  How you organize your time.  What you choose to wear (this is a great creative outlet!).  The jewelry you choose to wear.  How you decorate your home.
Simply, creativity = new life.  

Creativity brings something new to the world, be it a product or process.  And the act of creativity also creates new life in us:  after using our creativity, we are changed, different.

One thing today:  Think about your creative interests.  Make a list of all the things you love to do - and see how many of these are creative acts.  Pick one thing to focus on this week.  When can you take a few minutes to think about this creative outlet?

Creative resources...
Nurturing Creativity:  A Guide for Busy Moms by Renee Tougas
What I'm Wearing - Artisan Lisa Leonard shares with her customers/blog audience her wardrobe picks!  She has inspired me to pick one day during the week (Sundays don't count!) to dress creatively and boldly.  (Thank you, Lisa!)
Where Women Cook - An inspirational journal about women and cooking.  This always lights my creative flame.


  1. I love this inspiration to live creatively! I especially love your "One thing today" section. I'm going to make a list now (I love lists). I'm grateful for this challenge today! Thank you!!!

  2. Hi Chandra! So glad to see you back and to hear of your inspiration. :) Lists are so much fun to make, aren't they?
