chocolate + paper + scissors


One Day...

Our church program today featured this poem, "One Day," from Martin Luther King Jr.

One day, youngsters will learn words they will not understand.
Children from India will ask: "What is hunger?"
Children from Alabama will ask: "What is racial segregation?"
Children from Hiroshima will ask: "What is an atomic bomb?"
Children at school will ask: "What is war?"
You will answer them,
You will tell them: "Those words are not used anymore; like stage coaches, galleys or slavery, they are words no longer meaningful. That is why they have been removed from the dictionaries."


Happy National Pie Day!

After reading my January issue of Real Simple, I learned that January 23 is National Pie Day. (Thank you for the information, RS!) A day that celebrates such a classic culinary tradition that represents all-encompassing love and comfort is something nice on which to focus right now.

On with the pie! I don't make pies often - usually only during the holidays. This Caramel Crunch Apple Pie is my favorite apple pie, which I made for Thanksgiving in 2001. While we were all in a fog in the fall of 2001, the lovely Good Morning America began a hunt for "America's Best Apple Pie." I was so stoked about this contest, since it was something whimsical and fun - yet something that represented part of the comfort of our country's culture - to look to during such an uncertain time.

Thank you, Marsha Brooks, for sharing your treasured recipe with our country. And thank you, GMA, for bringing sunshine to our mornings! This is a special recipe for many reasons, and now, for one more: my daughter's sweet hands helped make this pie this year.

May today be a day of comfort for you in the midst of a crazy world. Make a pie and eat it tonight!


Pumpkin + chocolate

If you've ever seen a King Arthur cookbook, you probably noticed that it was big, heavy and beautiful! One of my very favorite recipes so far is Emmy's Pumpkin Bread. It unites moist and spicy pumpkin bread with decadent chocolate...a heavenly marriage.

With temperatures in the low 40's today, I sure am craving a nice warm piece right now...


Happy New Ear!

Welcome to 2010!

(It feels very sci-fi to say this.)

I'm hoping to be a better listener this year...and speak a bit less (except for on my blog). In the spirit of quietness, this week, I'm posting some photos that will tell you more about me: favorite photos, odd photos, random photos.

Fow now...this is one of my very favorite photos as a mother, taken this past fall on a quiet Sunday morning with my family.